Apache Shindig Code Style And Code Conventions
This document describes how developers and contributors should write code. The reasoning
of these styles and conventions is mainly for consistency, readability and maintainability reasons.
Generic Code Style And Convention
All working files (java, xml, others) should respect the following conventions:
License Header: Always add the current
ASF license header in all versionned files.
Trailing Whitespaces: Remove all trailing whitespaces. If your are an Eclipse user, you could
use the Anyedit Eclipse Plugin .
and the following style:
Indentation: Never use tabs!
Line wrapping: Always use a 100-column line width.
Note: The specific styles and conventions, listed in the next sections, could override these generic rules.
Java Code Style
The full Apache Shindig for Java is described in our
Wiki .
Describe how to import Eclipse Java code templates
Describe how to import Eclipse JavaScript code templates
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