Apache Shindig, like any other opensource project, relies heavily on the efforts of the entire user community to
be ever vigilant for improvements, logging of defects, communicating use-cases, generating documentation, and being wary
of other users in need. This is a quick guide outlining what members of the Apache Shindig community may do to make the
system work better for everyone.
[Submit patches][patches] to reported issues (both those you find, or that others have filed)
Help with the documentation by pointing out areas that are lacking or unclear, and if you are so inclined,
submitting patches to correct it. You can quickly contribute rough thoughts to the wiki, or you can volunteer to help
collate and organize information that is already there.
Your participation in the community is much appreciated!
For the "Issue Type", select "Bug", "Improvement" or "New Feature"
Click "Next>>"
Enter summary / description and select the component
Click "Create"
Click "Attach file" and select the fix-xxx-bug.patch file
Check the "Grant license to ASF for inclusion in ASF works" option
Click on "Watching" and then click on "Start" watching to get updates
If your patch includes major changes, the Apache Shindig project uses
reviews.apache.org to review your patch. You will need to create an account in
order to submit a patch for review. Go to the sign up form to create an account if you don't already have one.
Click create new review
Select Shindig as the project and set the path to trunk.
Attach your patch file.
Fill out the subject, description, and describe any testing you did.
In the bugs section list the JIRA you created for the issue, all you need to do is enter SHINDIG-XXXX and a linke will be created.
Add Shindig as the group to review the code. You may also specify individuals who you would like to review your patch.
An email will automatically be sent to the Shindig dev list and any individuals you listed as reviewers.
You should also subscribe using dev-subscribe@shindig.apache.org to see all the feedback,
in which case you'll get the updates on the issue without needing to "Watch" them individually.
After your patch is reviewed and the community deems it acceptable a committer will commit the code to SVN.
Projects at Apache operate under a meritocracy,
meaning those that the developers notice participating to a high extent will be invited to join the project as a committer.
This is as much based on personality and ability to work with other developers and the community as it is with proven
technical ability. Being unhelpful to other users, or obviously looking to become a committer for bragging rights and
nothing else is frowned upon, as is asking to be made a committer without having contributed sufficiently to be invited.